Measures of Well-Being in U.S. Animal Shelter Staff During 2023
animal shelters, burnout, compassion fatigue, COVID-19, PROMIS, ProQOL, well-beingAbstract
Introduction: The demands of animal shelter work can take a toll on staff well-being. The years following the coronavirus pandemic have been especially demanding as shelters struggle to navigate a series of unprecedented challenges, including pandemic-related restrictions, the shortage of veterinary professionals, adoptions not keeping pace with increasing animal admissions (especially of dogs), the expiration of eviction moratoriums, and rising inflation. These factors create a context that is potentially deleterious to the well-being of shelter staff.
Methods: We used an online survey to collect information from U.S. shelter staff (N = 243). Specifically, we used the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) and Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) instruments to quantify various aspects of staff well-being. We also collected basic demographic information and details about participants’ experience in the animal welfare field.
Results: PROMIS results reveal mean anger, anxiety, depression, and fatigue scores in the mild/moderate range, significantly higher than those of the general U.S. population. ProQOL results show that nearly half of shelter staff respondents (49.4%) recorded compassion satisfaction scores in the high range, with the remainder falling into the moderate (39.1%) or low (11.5%) range; 53.5% recorded burnout scores in the high range, with the remainder falling into the moderate (32.1%) or low (14.4%) range; and 90.9% recorded secondary traumatic stress scores in the high range, with the remainder falling into the moderate (8.2%) or low (0.8%) range.
Conclusion: Although the shelter staff surveyed reported high levels of job satisfaction, their high burnout and secondary traumatic stress scores, and lower mental and physical health scores raise serious concerns about employee well-being and potential turnover following the coronavirus pandemic. If much of the trauma that comes with animal sheltering work cannot be avoided, policymakers should consider providing shelter staff with the resources necessary to mitigate its impact.
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