The Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health (JSMCAH) is an independent online journal published by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians. JSMCAH publishes original research, case studies, professional guidelines, and review articles relevant to shelter and community animal health, behavior, and welfare. This includes a variety of topics such as companion animal epidemiology, shelter population management, spay-neuter programs, access to care programs, spectrum of care, community services, public health, disaster response, and veterinary forensics. Learn more >>
About the Journal
The Association of Shelter Veterinarians began publishing the Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health (JSMCAH, or "jazz macaw") in 2022 to support its mission: to advance and support the practice of shelter medicine to improve community animal health and well-being. JSMCAH is a rolling admission, online, gold open access journal that publishes evidence-based research impacting the welfare of animals in shelters and communities. We are committed to reducing barriers to publication for emerging researchers and those working outside of academia. Our goal is to provide a central, accessible resource for veterinarians and shelter professionals.
Aims and Scope
JSMCAH aims to advance the practice of shelter and community medicine and provide an essential resource for practitioners and other stakeholders. The scope includes individual patient care and management; population medicine; accessible veterinary care; HQHVSN; programs and services that address companion animal health, welfare or homelessness; animal behavior as it relates to shelter and community animal well-being; and disaster response, shelter forensics, and humane investigations.