Unlocking Collaborative Dynamics: Exploring Veterinarian-Leadership Relationships in Animal Shelters





veterinarian, leadership, shelter medicine, animal shelter, communication


Introduction: Veterinarians and organizational leaders play crucial roles in the success of animal shelters. Although both groups share a common mission, differing priorities and perspectives may lead to challenges that affect organizational success. This study explored attitudes of veterinarians and leaders toward collaboration and provides recommendations to enhance organizational effectiveness.

Methods: An online survey collected data from 179 veterinarians and leaders of animal sheltering organizations on attitudes toward veterinarian-leader collaboration between June and August 2023. A composite score of Likert-type items measured attitudes toward veterinarian-leader relationship effectiveness (ATVLRE). Statistical tests compared responses across groups, while qualitative analysis identified recurring themes.

Results: Differences were identified in ATVLRE among non-veterinarian leaders, veterinarian leaders, and veterinarian non-leaders. Non-veterinarian leaders reported the highest positive ATVLRE (M = 4.0, SD = 0.6), followed by veterinarian leaders (M = 3.7, SD = 1.0) and veterinarian non-leaders (M = 3.1, SD = 0.9). Statistically significant differences were found between these groups, particularly between non-veterinarian leaders and veterinarian non-leaders (Cohen d = 1.1). The most reported challenge for veterinarian non-leaders was ‘lack of effective communication’ (70%; n = 31/44), compared to veterinarian leaders (54%; n = 27/50) and non-veterinarian leaders (27%; n = 22/27). Additionally, ‘differences in priorities or conflicting goals’ were the top challenge for veterinarian leaders (66%; n = 33/50), while non-veterinarian leaders most frequently cited ‘managing expectations and demands’ (55%; n = 45/82). Communication was the primary contributor to successful relationships across all groups (68%; n = 122/179).

Conclusion: This study revealed distinct attitudes within animal shelters and identified the critical role of communication in effective collaboration. Despite divergent attitudes, all groups emphasized constructive communication for fostering successful veterinarian-leader relationships. Understanding role-based perceptions can guide strategies to enhance organizational effectiveness and improve animal welfare.


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How to Cite

Mauck, C. R., Vincent, M. R., & Robertson, J. V. (2025). Unlocking Collaborative Dynamics: Exploring Veterinarian-Leadership Relationships in Animal Shelters. Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.56771/jsmcah.v4.108



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